Tuesday 28 May 2019

                                        HEAVENLY SPLENDOUR

The satisfaction of the new King did not last for he saw an object which excited his displeasure. The great Giant, who appeared not yet to have awoke completely from his morning sleep, came stumbling along the Bridge, producing great confusion all around him.

As usual he had arisen stupefied with sleep and had meant to bathe in the well known bay of the River. Instead he found firm land and plunged upon the broad pavement of the Bridge.

Yet although he reeled into the midst of men and cattle in the clumsiest way, his presence, wondered at by all, was felt by none. As the sunshine came into his eyes and he raised his hands to rub them, the shadows of his monstrous fists moved to and fro behind him with such force and awkwardness, that men and beats were heaped together in masses. They were hurt by such rude contact and in danger of being pitched into the River.

The King as he saw this mischief, grasped with an involuntary movement at his sword; but he bethought himself and looked calmly at his sceptre, then at the Lamp and the rudder of his attendants.

The Man with the Lamp said, "I guess thy thoughts but we and our gifts are powerless against this powerless monster. Be calm! He is doing hurt for the last time and happily his shadow is not turned to us."

Meanwhile the Giant was approaching nearer. In astonishment at what he saw with open eyes, he had dropped his hands. He was not now doing any injury and came staring agape into the fore-court.

He was walking straight to the door of the Temple, when all at once in the middle of the court, he halted and was fixed to the ground. He stood there like a strong colossal statue, or reddish glittering stone and his shadow pointed out the hours, which were marked in a circle on the floor around him, not in numbers, but in noble and expressive emblems.

Much delighted was the King to see the monster's shadow turned to some useful purpose. Much astonished was the Queen, who, on mounting from within the Altar, decked in royal pomp, with her virgins, first noticed the huge figure, which almost closed the prospect from the Temple to the Bridge.

Meanwhile the people had crowded after the Giant as he ceased to move. They were walking round him, wondering at this metamorphosis. From him they turned to the Temple, which they now first appeared to notice and pressed towards the door.

At this instant the Hawk with the mirror soared aloft above the dome; caught the light of the Sun and reflected it upon the group, which was standing on the Altar. The King, the Queen and their attendants, in the dusky concave of the Temple, seemed illuminated by a heavenly splendour and the people fell upon their faces.

When the crowd had recovered and risen, the King with his followers had descended into the Altar to proceed by secret passages into his palace and the multitude dispersed about the Temple to content their curiosity.  

They viewed the three Kings that were standing erect with astonishment and reverence; but the more eager were they to discover what mass it could be that was hid behind the hangings, in the fourth niche; for by some hand or another, charitable decency had spread over the resting-place of the fallen King a gorgeous curtain, which no eye could penetrate and no hand may dare to draw aside.

The people would have found no end to their gazing and admiration had not their attention been again attracted to the open space.

Unexpectedly some gold-pieces, as if falling from the air, came tinkling down upon the marble flags; the nearest passers-by rushed to pick them up; the wonder was repeated several times. It is easy to conceive that the shower came from our two retiring Flames, who wished to have a little sport here once more and were thus gaily showering the gold which they had licked from the members of the sunken King. The people still ran about eagerly, pressing and pulling one another, even when the gold had ceased to fall.

At length they gradually dispersed and went their way and to the present hour the Bridge is swarming with travellers and the Temple is the most frequented on the whole Earth.