Saturday 27 October 2018

                                   ENTERING THE SANCTUARY

The Man with the Lamp said, in a respectful tone to the Will-o'-wisps, "Gentlemen, I will now show you the way and open you the passage; but you will do us an essential service, if you please to unbolt the door, by which the Sanctuary must be entered at present  and which none but you can unfasten."

The Will-o'-wisps made a stately bow of assent and kept their place. The old Man went foremost into the rock, which opened at his presence; the Youth followed him, as if mechanically; silent and uncertain. Lily kept at some distance from him; the old Woman would not be left and stretched out her hand, that the light of her husbands Lamp might still fall on it. The rear was closed by the two Will-o'-wisps, who bent the peaks of their flames towards one another and appeared to be engaged in conversation.

They had not gone far till the procession halted in front of a large brazen door, the leaves of which were bolted with a golden lock. The Man now called upon the Will-o'-wisps to advance; who required small entreaty and with their pointed flames soon ate both bar and lock. The brass gave a loud clang, as the doors sprang suddenly asunder and the stately figures of the Kings appeared within the Sanctuary, illuminated by the entering Will-o'-wisps.

All bowed before these dread sovereigns, especially the Will-o'-wisps made a profusion of the daintiest reverences.

The Gold King asked, after a pause: "Whence come ye?"

The Man replied: "From the world."

The Silver King said, "Whither go ye?

The Man replied: "Into the world."

The Brazen King cried: What would ye with us?

The Man replied: "Accompany you."

The Composite King was about to speak when the Gold King addressed the Will-o'-wisps who had got too near him: "Take yourselves away from me, my metal was not made for you."

Thereupon they turned to the Silver King and clasped themselves about him and his robe glittered 
beautifully in their yellow brightness.

The Silver King said: You are welcome but I cannot feed you; satisfy yourselves elsewhere and bring me your light."

They removed and gliding past the Brazen King, who did not seem to notice them, they fixed on the compounded King.

The Compounded King cried with a broken voice: "Who will govern the world?"

The Man replied: "He who stands upon his feet."

The Mixed King said: "I am he."

The Man replied: "We shall see, for the time is at hand."

The fair Lily fell upon the old Man's neck and kissed him cordially.

The fair Lily cried: "Holy Sage! A thousand times I thank thee; for I hear that fateful word the third time."


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