Wednesday 13 December 2017

                         END OF YEAR VIEW OF THE STORY SO FAR

Listening to Beethoven's 9th Symphony moving irresistibly towards the Ode To Joy finale I sense how the characters in Goethe's Fairy Tale The Green Snake and The Beautiful Lily are moving towards their first steps in having helpful archetypal conversations they will experience increasingly through the path of the Tale.

The declaration that "The Time is at Hand" by the Man With the Lamp - three times eventually by the end - are akin to mini "Ode to Joy's" in meaning and sound.

All the very diverse characters met so far, have, in their individual ways taken key first steps towards community building. They are beginning to recognise, perhaps unconsciously, what lies within them that they can contribute towards rebuilding a society of compassion.

The Woman with the Basket is an incredible force in this respect, she doing her utmost to help meet individual needs presented by other characters. This, together with the deeper understanding of her husband, the Man with the Lamp, is gradually becoming a "force for good." A force which ultimately will have a transformative effect on all characters and through them the community in which they are present.