Friday 20 January 2017

                                             IN OUR MODERN GLOBAL WORLD

Now could be a good time to re-visit Goethe's epic Fairy Tale he wrote in response to letters and essays by Frederich Schiller, poet, philosopher and playwright friend, at the time of the French Revolution.

This Work never ceases to be capable of offering to individuals who explore and work with it, revelations as individuals, groups and nations about what we could value as ways of building, re-building our communities.

This Blog contains, through Posts created over the last two years, 18 short audio readings which together present to listeners the whole Tale.

Of particular relevance to the current time are themes of Diversity, Community Building and Transformation. These themes can be said to reflect, respectively the: right to be who individuals, groups, nations, are; importance of seeking to work together effectively, economically; spiritual and cultural development that can arise.

Through 2017 I will walk in a contemporary way through the Work drawing out these themes from the text through Goethe's invention and creation of his extraordinary characters. Exploring particularly how they: are diverse; come to respect each other; learn to work together; in the process transform their communities, societies and themselves.

I am clustering the 18 audio readings held on this Blog onto a pod cast to provide an easier alternative access. The readings will still be held on this Blog. I will give the address of the pod cast when this becomes developed sufficiently.

The first exploration will be where a Ferryman is woken at midnight by two Will-o'-wisp travellers who are in urgent need to cross a river between one land and another. Travel across this river proves to be difficult for many people in so many different ways. There certainly is not one community, encompassing, embracing those who live on the two different sides of the river. Could there ever be?

Does this scenario and question arising from it have echoes of communities today?